Report to:

Lead Member for Education, Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Date of meeting:

14 November 2023


Director of Children’s Services


Revision of Home to School Transport Policies


To agree the revisions to East Sussex County Council’s Home to School Transport policies



The Lead Member is recommended to agree the revisions to East Sussex County Council (ESCC)’s Home to School Transport Polices listed below:

·         ESCC Home to School Transport Policy for children of compulsory school age (Appendix 1);

·         ESCC travel assistance policy for children of compulsory school age with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) (Appendix 2);

·         ESCC travel assistance policy for 16-19 year olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) (Appendix 3); and

·         ESCC travel assistance policy for post-19 year olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) (Appendix 4)


1          Background

1.1       In June 2023 the Department for Education (DfE) published updated statutory guidance on ‘Travel to school for children of compulsory school age’, replacing the previous guidance published in 2014.

1.2       A review of ESCC’s transport policies has been carried out to ensure that they comply with the new guidance and are as clear and user friendly as possible. Where appropriate additional information has been included to improve clarity.

2          Supporting information

2.1       The revised policies do not contain substantial changes likely to impact on eligibility for transport or travel assistance.  As such, the new guidance specifies that there is no need to consult on these changes.

2.2       The new guidance does require that policies be reviewed regularly in order to ensure that parents and carers are able to easily understand whether their child will be eligible for home to school transport or travel assistance.

2.3       The revisions to the policies therefore include re-wording and re-formatting to improve readability.

2.4       There are no changes to eligibility criteria, but there are clearer explanations as to how decisions are reached, and what mode of transport is likely to be offered in what circumstances.

2.5       The revised policies are appended to this report as detailed above.

3.         Conclusion and reasons for recommendations

3.1       The Lead Member is recommended to agree the revised policies, which comply with updated statutory guidance and provide additional clarification and readability.

3.2       Should the revised policies be agreed, they will be made available on the ESCC website to enable families to ascertain their children’s likely eligibility for transport or assistance.


Director of Children’s Services

Contact Officer: Jo Miles
Tel. No. 01273 481911






Appendix 1 - ESCC Home to School Transport Policy for children of compulsory school age

Appendix 2 - ESCC travel assistance policy for children of compulsory school age with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan)

Appendix 3 - ESCC travel assistance policy for 16-19 year olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan)

Appendix 4 - ESCC travel assistance policy for post-19 year olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan)